Miami-Dade Moves To Code Yellow

Miami-Dade will be under Code Yellow restrictions on Monday, but what exactly does that mean?

According to this guide 173-page published by the county, there is a five-color code system that defines phases of reopening.

RED: Most stringent closures; only essential businesses open; social distancing and facial covering requirements in place
ORANGE: Parks and open spaces open; preparations taking place to reopen other sectors with strict capacity requirements in place; social distancing and facial covering requirements in place
YELLOW: Limited opening of non-essential businesses and other facilities; strict capacity requirements in place; social distancing and facial covering requirements in place
GREEN: More expansive opening of businesses and facilities; capacity requirements expanded; social distancing and facial covering requirements in place
BLUE: New normal is in place; all businesses and facilities open; social distancing and facial coverings encouraged

Each color code includes industry-specific regulations that will be in place to promote public health.

Miami-Dade has had the highest number of coronavirus cases in Florida, by far, and efforts to contain the outbreak continue.

Image courtesy Getty

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