Proposal to Expand Bal Harbour Shops Upsets Some Citizens

Bal Harbour Village has proposed an expansion of the Bal Harbour Shops.

A group of concerned citizens aren't happy about the possibility of the project and have hired attorney, J.C. Planas, to help make their voices heard.

"What's being done is the railroading of the approval of the shops.  This is the Village of Bal Harbour basically taking a position against their residents," said Planas.

Bal Harbour Village Mayor Gabriel Groisman says this is a small group of residents and non-residents who have done everything in their power to stop the project.

"Basically they've created legal issues to try to stop the expansion and they're taking their course now in the courts," said Mayor Groisman.

The mayor says the council has not yet made a decision on the expansion.  He said the public is invited to attend meetings regarding the expansion.  The next meeting is April 4th at 7 p.m. at the Seaview Hotel.  For details CLICK HERE.

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